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    learning English and cultural knowledge is too important. So, I asked a number of English learners: English asked whether they pay attention to collect the story in English and cultural background. Most of the students answered said they do not pay attention in English Learning English in allus...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 624 ℃ 828
  • 求英语达人翻译


    Love, though might turn out to be a tragedy, is eternal comedy of life. Neither breath nor heartbeats can be treated as the symbol of life. Neither welth nor reputation can be the proof of being alive. There is no rights or wrongs in true love nor winners or losers. Only each love experience can il...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 343 ℃ 800
  • 跪求英语达人翻译


    but dare not imagine the joy of victory. 我即逝家缅怀自作点点兴许徒劳功努力 We just gone home for the upcoming recall, for their future a little pleased to hear the final futile effort. 家都没真已经没怕 Masters are not, and really has nothing to fear. 『重庆』怕锤关于十八梯4000/平米我想说十...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 487 ℃ 479
  • 请英语达人翻译


    亲爱的布朗先生: 我谨代表学生会主席邀请你给我们做=一=个关于美国历史的讲座,让我们更好的了解美国历史。 我们决定在2009年10月18日邀请你来我校学术厅做次讲座。我们会感到非常的荣幸如果你能来。请提前2周通知我们如你要来。我们会在机场接机。我相信次行你一定会感...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 294 ℃ 456
  • 请英语达人翻译


    2楼翻译的语法非常好,但第二句 "So she was NEITHER...NOR..." 有一些不准确之处; "mutual emotion" 也不恰当....请指教. "It is wrong to marry for property,money and status.But it is also foolish to marry without considering such factors. She therefore not only op...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 674 ℃ 237
  • 求英语达人翻译!


    movie.I like sports,too.Swimming is my favourite.There is no food that I hate specially.I like milk,eggs,and vegetables.This is all about me. By the way,how can I address you?Mom or your name?How I hope to see you as soon as possible!Looking forward to meeting you! 希望这个翻译对你有...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 335 ℃ 768
  • 求英文达人翻译


    Well. My life is full of basketball and music, I like to play basketball, you'll only laugh and mock again and again. Don't you just this? Ah? Damn all you guys, I've had enough, I don't want to hear the irony of my words. You are the fence, when Iscenery, you will flatter me, b...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 882 ℃ 441
  • 请英语达人翻译



    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 117 ℃ 994
  • 求英语达人翻译!!


    合同法在19世纪的美国法律体系中占有特殊的地位。一方面,理论上说,那是一个合同的世纪。合同的出现是现代法律的标志。henry maine 在他具有划时代意义的巨作中写道,进步中的社会,古老的法律都是由身份进化至契约。这些(先进的)社会通过自由自愿的合同来管理人际关系;就个人...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 887 ℃ 928
  • 高分求英语达人翻译


    From the Second World War, Western developed countries have to enter the service society (postindustrial society). Research on quality management of its services is relatively mature, and in practice also conducted a number of arguments. A large number of successful companies rely on...

    2024-07-20 网络 更多内容 527 ℃ 63